yo yo yo..
wassup everybody..
hehe..lama sdh nda update blog, coz xda story utk dcritakan..huhu..
well, actually arini a bit mixed la..
coz dpt sungkai with frens..
but..also c Ili have to go back to her kampung..
so she cant sungkai with us..huhu..
well, org ckp smua ada haluan masing2 kan??
hehe..sdh jd lumrah khidupan..
emm..1st2 skali, hehe..
afternoon p ambl c kembar dorg..
abg n adik..
hehe..dorg pn stdy d tmpt lain2..so ssh la jua sdh mau jmpa dorg..
smapi d uk, jln2..
tnggu c ili..ckp mau turun jam 12.30..
tgk2, deyh, kmi smpai dia msh d rmh..
tnggu2, dtgla dia..dgn dia pny escort..
org KK dgn Johor :p
sungkai mealemm..
actlly around 4pm kmi sdh booking seat d KFC..
hehe..sttle awal, spya nda pyh brebut2..
takut nda tmpt duduk utk org KK bha..
then ili's mom called..telling her its time to go..well, she dont look sad to me..
but im sure she just kept in inside..
heheafter some last hugs n handshaked, there she goes..
huhu..see ya in one year!!
y i'm always the last to know??!!emm..while me n kembar r caught in the middle of d gossip..
we juz diam2 la..
tnggu masa mau sungkai..
hehe..smbl2 tu, smpt lg c Diba ma c Sap p bli..
em, watever la, aku pn nda tau..hahaha
emmmmm..pastu kmi p queue up la..
rmai jga org mau sungkai d kfc..
for some reasons whatsoever..c Diana sakit..nda slera mau makan..
c Diba tu plak jeling2 arah c Diana pny meal.
hahahhahhahah :p
ni dia cik Diba, she just cant get enough..!! hahahaso after makan2, minum2, borak2(dorg bini2 jala)..
time to go..
xsdar pn masa brlalu..hmmm..
well, looks like we juz have to move on la..hehe..
so, until next time..gudbye..
bonus pic: any similarity?? hahahahha.. (jan marah aa sap)(post ni saya blasah jak taip, hehe)